We are a charity. We are a volunteer group. We do many tasks, but one of our most valuable is financially assisting the public with feline and canine spay/neuter programs to prevent unwanted litters and behavioral problems.
When you visit our facility for this purpose, we ask you to do these things: Come in and sit quietly and state the specific purpose of why you are here. Is it for spay/neuter assistance or regarding a feline health issue? Then sit quietly while I ask you several questions to enable me to find, if possible, the correct program slot for you and describe how it work. Normally 15 or 20 minutes of our time is needed to work through this arrangement. We work with many people and our time is valuable, as well as yours.
Please limit your information to those facts stated above. Do not tell me the "story" behind your cat; do not complain to me about your neighbors; do not jabber-on about anything except being helpful for the information I need to make your arrangements. For those unable to do this, we will decline service.
If you telephone us to ask for information, please understand that we are only able to answer two or three general questions by phone. Everyone who participates in our program is required to come to our facility to meet with me and see if a plan can be worked out to accomplish the spay/neuter. We do not engage in lengthy phone conversations. If we do not answer the phone, it is because we are engaged with another individual or unable to do so. Do not leave a message on our recorder. We are not able to return phone messages.
We normally are here Monday through Thursday from 9:00 to 1:30 to assist the public with spay/neuter. Our hours here are longer than that, but that additional time is dedicated to other important work.
Our facility is closed for a period of one week each month to host our Free Feline Spay Day and we provide no services during that week except for those attending our Spay Day.
If this arrangement is not satisfactory to the public, we encourage them to contact the Klamath Humane Society for spay/neuter assistance.
Thank you. The Management
In addition to our Monthly Free Spay Days for ferals, etc., when ears are notched during surgery, we also maintain a Spay/Neuter program for those who can afford $15 per cat. These surgeries are done at Klamath Animal Clinic during their weekly schedule. Each spay costs FOP $70.00. Each neuter costs FOP $51.00. Your $15.00 helps offset these costs.
Klamath Animal Clinic will charge more than $15 per cat, of course, for the surgeries. FPKB will pay the full cost. Because of this, you will not pay KAC any further money for the service. If you can contribute more than $15 towards the cost, we are grateful!
Regardless if you are coming to one of our Monthly Spay Days, or paying $15 and going to Klamath Animal Clinic, FOP often dispenses these two items for free and will discuss any other feline health issue you may have.
You must come to our shelter facility to acquire all the information, pay us the $15 per cat, read and agree-to our Policies and Procedures. When all information is given, we will telephone Klamath Animal Clinic and help you make an appointment. Sometimes your appointment-wait time may be 30 days.
We average about 100 cats spay/neutered each month. This total includes our Spay Day and the S/N program with Klamath Animal Clinic. In the month of September 2019, 167 cats were altered through these two programs.
1. Individuals who are members, employees, volunteers, or associates with any humane society are disqualified. These groups have sufficient funding to support their own programs. For example, the Klamath Humane Society, according to 2021 tax documents, holds about $650,000.00 in savings.
2. You do not qualify if, after the cat(s) is altered, you intend to transfer the feline(s) to a different location or "re-home." Our programs are strictly for those who remain owners or guardians of the felines.
3. If you have a negative attitude or tend to be critical of our program, you do not qualify. Please find other resources for spay/neuter.
3. We ask you to please pay as much as you can afford for each certificate. We have limited funds and want to stretch them to help as many cats as possible. If you can pay more than $15, please offer to do so. It will greatly help us do more. The more cats we help, the better for all. Each spay costs FOP $70.00; each neuter costs $51.00
4. If you are the one obtaining certificates, please be the one to present the feline to the clinic on surgery morning, as well as pick up post-surgically. The greatest misunderstandings and mistakes occur when someone else does these tasks.
5. History speaks when I must say there always seems to be someone in the group who will ruin the program for everyone else. Therefore, please know, if you purchase certificates and you or your agents fail to comply with all of the above, the certificates will be voided and no further services will be provided. No money for any unused certificates will be refunded. We will advise you to locate another veterinary clinic of your choice to complete the work at your cost.
6. If you mislead us and deny your affiliation with any humane society organization, Friends of Pets will cancel the scheduled surgery, as long as the surgery is not underway. Any actual or implied affiliation will be sufficient grounds for cancellation by Friends of Pets.
C. Procedures:
1. We will schedule your appointment with Klamath Animal Clinic. You will be required to have the feline at the clinic between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. on the day of surgery, with pickup the same day usually between 3:00 and 4:30, or at a time designated by staff. No food for the feline after 10:00 the night prior to morning surgery. If you fail to appear at Klamath Animal Clinic between 7:30 and 8:00 the morning of surgery, your appointment cannot be rescheduled with the clinic. You will be re-assigned by FOP to a future Spay Day at our facility
2. For semi-tame, feral or hard-to-handle felines, each must arrive at the clinic in a humane trap, or an FOP special pet carrier designed for them. Using standard plastic pet carriers for this type of feline is not permitted.
4. For very tame felines, each must arrive at the clinic in a durable pet carrier. No boxes or hand-held cats.
5. Please note the expiration date on each certificate. The certificate will not be redeemable at the veterinary clinic after that date and refunds are not given. If lost, they will not be not replaced. A new certificate must be purchased.
I meet the requirements stated in “Required Policies and Procedures”
and will accept the consequences listed in Nos. 5 and 6 if I fail to comply with all policies and procedures.
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